Friday 27 March 2009

London town!

Just got back froma psyc trip to london! It was aweseome, i love london, it put manchester to shame with everything thats going on. Though it was the most exhausting trip iv ever been on, had to wake up at 5 in the morning on wednesday to get the coach, COACH! sooo would have rather payed the extra £30 and got the train! So after getting of the coach we had to walk about a mile to the lectureplace, managed to catch about 10 minuets of sleep during one of the more boring lectures, then woke up to Loftus (wicked psyc woman) and then we went out for a lovley meal! Me ems wilf greg and tom went to cafe uno, as we were given £10 each for food from the trip kitty, was lovley! then we went to a bar, got back to the hostel, somone passed out, and we enede up not getti ng to bed till one, thats after 20 hours of being awake, i'm sure i'v never been awake for that long before!
The second day we had some shopping time, i got a way cute silk scarf from a vintage shop, for £12, its from italy and has classical fugures around the edge, i loves it! Unfortunatly its too big to wear in my hair (i had my hair cut boy short so i'm having to wear scarfs so i look more girly :P) Then we went to the freud museum, which was a pile of wank. Then we got the coach back!

Heres apic of a guard at buckingham palace :P Hes on his side cos my stupic laptop wont play.

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