Tuesday, 12 May 2009

First Sale!!!

Omg the excitement of sunday morning, waking up to find i had made my very first online sale!! Somone bought the little crochet flower hairclips from my store! I sent them off on monday and they'v already arrived, got some lovley posotive feedback!
I'm so happy!
Hopfully there will be loads more to come, i feel like i have neglected my shop, i need to post sommore stuff thats more summery so try and get sommore sales!

In other news i finally finished and sent the earrings for my earring swap on craftster, i made all the earrings myself, mostly from stuff in my stash, and then made some nice little cards for them to sit on and some funky envolopes to sned them in!
These are the envolppes, made out of recycled magazines and comics, i'll post pics of the earrings when they;d arrived with my partners! And also pictures of the earrings i got in return when i reiceve off my other two partners! I got my firt pair a few days ago there sooo cute!!
x sarah